Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Art W/ Miss Lydia


Today we have Art, and although I don't know much about it, I will do my best to teach you something worth knowing. So, today I want to talk to you about some styles and types of art!

There are many types of art, here are just a few types.



Abstract. And now...the best kind...
FROZEN ART!!!!! OK, yea, It's not a type of art. :/

Ahem, I would like you to comment with your favorite type of art that I showed here (besides the Frozen art) and any other kind you know! Thanks class, and have a great day!

~Miss Lydia~

Monday, April 7, 2014

English Class w/ Miss Lydia


Since none of the teachers really post here anymore, I am doing all the classes until someone looks at this and remembers. Alright, today we are having English class!

For our first English assignment with me today, I would like you to write a book report. It can be about any book you like! Here are some books that I think you would like and might want to write about. Oh, and the due date is next week, which makes it Monday the 14 of April 2014. Just send them to me at: mellonlydia@yahoo.com. Or you can comment below with your report.  Now, the books:

Nancy Drew and the Secret of Shadow Ranch


Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims
Thanks class!

~Miss Lydia~