Sunday, July 31, 2011

First Day of Horseback Riding!

Hello, Counselor Hannah here! So, tomorrow is the first day of horseback riding at camp! Since you are all beginners, the first day we will just practice walking. Here is some more information:

1. We will have lessons every three days. You’ll be sore some! LOL!

2. You need to wear jeans, tennis shoes, and I recommend a hat to stay cool from the hot sun.

3. Bring lots of water too! Stay hydrated!

That’s it! See you tomorrow!

Counselor Hannah

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Nature Walk!

Hello Girls! Mackenzie here!

Tomorrow we will be going on a nature walk! Then after we will all go swimming in the lake and play fun water games!

For the walk you will need to bring....

1.A backpack
4.A swimsuit
6.water shoes
7.and a camera!

If u need anything else,bring whatever:)

Thx again!

Counselor Mackenzie!


Hello everyone,I am Lilac your consular for sports,I hope you all love my games that I will be posting.The first game will be..............................................................................................................................................................................................
                                                   KICK BALL!YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kick ball is one of  my favorite games to play with my whole family.Here is how you play Kick ball,look below.:D
1:You need at lease six people or more people to play Kick ball,try to make even number of people so you can divid the teams evenly.
2:Divde the teams up,then make up a cool name for your team,like Shooting Stars or Flying High.
3:Pick the first team that is up to kick.
4:To order your team who goes first to kick,order them to youngest to oldest,just to be fair.
5:When you are up to kick the piture (Someone on the other team)roles you the ball on the ground to you and you have to try to kick the ball.Try to kick the ball while it is still rolling.
6:There should be a first base,a second base, a third base,and home base.So when you kick the ball you have to try to run as many bases as you can before they get the ball back to the picture or the someone on the base.Kind of like baseball,but you are kicking the ball instead of hitting the ball with a bat and you are using a Kick ball,not a baseball.
7:When the other team gets three outs,it is your teams turn to go in the outfild.
8:Pick someone to be the piture and pick the players that will play first base,second base,and third base.The rest of the players have to play behind the base,at least 20 feet from the base,so if someone kicks the ball far they can catch it.
9:You can  play kick ball as long as you want,just make sure you have fun!:D


Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hello,I am so happy to be a consular at this camp.:)I am going to be in charge of sports,yes I am very athletic and I hope that I will make up some sporty game we can all have fun doing.:)

Monday, July 25, 2011


Hi, I'm Caelen.
  I am new here. I hope you enjoy my posts.

Welcome, Caelen!

Everyone give a warm welcome to Caelen!  She is going to be a counselor for the camp and a teacher when the dolls start the Fall Semester! :)

Thank you so much Caelen for joining!


1st Craft! (By Counselor Emma!)

Hello!  It is Emma!

I am so excited to start up Camp AG 2011!  I have been deciding the craft we should do and finally figured it out! J 

So far, the counselors are Mackenzie, Hannah, Lilac, BloggerMMB and Me (Emma)! J  Your doll can join Camp AG anytime this week!  Please join! J   Well, BloggerMMB, you are a counselor right?

Well, the first craft is going to be nice and simple.  First let me tell you the supplies you will need this summer.

Glitter Glue

That is it! :D 

We are all going to each make a collage!

A collage is a bunch of pictures that you put together.  They can be of different things or the same things.  They can be different size pictures too!

If you want to do the craft, your doll needs to be a part of the camp. J

Here are the directions:

1.get out a piece of paper
2.print out several photos of your dolls, pets, or you!
3.glue the pictures onto the paper.  You can trim them if you need to.
4.Let dry.  Make sure you don’t bend the paper!
That is it! J

Here is what all of the counselors are in charge of:

Emma (Me): Water Games and Crafts!

Hannah:  Horse Back Riding and Sports! (With Lilac!)

Mackenzie:  Nature walk and Crafts! (With Emma) –

Lilac:  Sports! (With Hannah)__

BloggerMMB:  Nature walk! (With Mackenzie) __


PS:  If you want to sign up as a counselor, then you have one week to comment! :D 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Come on!:D

Hi Everyone! Mackenzie here!

I was just letting u know,if u cant give out ur email address to join,no need! All u need to do is post a pic of the doll u want to come to camp and a little about her! Her age,name,and date of birth!

Then u can post about camp on ur blog! Like what we have!

And activities we posted!

Hope this helps!

Comment if u want to!

For sure now!

Hello! Counselor Mackenzie Here!

I am going to pick out all of the cabin buddies!

Now we are having..

Raven and Kanani(Lilac's doll)

Gwen and Amber

Kit and Lanie

Kit K. and Chrissa

Lilly and Kanani(My Kanani doll)

Felicity and Emily

If anyone wants to change buddies,just let me know!


Okay, no one commented on the craft post, so I am going to decide the craft:)

I am going to sned the directions on email to Lilac, Mackenzie, and Hannah.  Nobody else has joined!  If you want to sign up, please send me an email at!  Incllude your dolls name, age, an personality.  Also include a nice pic of her:)


Hello the camp is starting today!  Mackenzie and I are designing the blog!:)


4 more members!

Name: Kit {Emma W. 's Doll}
Birthday:March 14
Something things about Kanani:I love to hula dance,I love animals,I like to paddle board,I love it when I know that everybody is happy.:)I am so excited to be apart of this school and camp.:)When my Mama (Lilac)told me that I was going to this camp I was so excited,thank you Aunt Mackenzie.:)
Name: Lilly{Emma W.'s doll}
Name: Felicity
Age: 10 or 11
DOB: April
     ~^About Me^~
"I love to ride my horse,Penny! She is amazing! I love to be outside! I am very happy all the time! Not shy at all! I love to be around people,and go on an adventure!"

3 new members!

Name: Lanie
Age: 10
DOB: April
                       *~About Me~*
"I love to be outside! I love nature! I love to help the earth! And do crafts!"
Name: Kanani
Age: 11?
DOB: June
                !~About me~!
"I love summer! I love to be outside,and i love shave ice! I love to be with friends and family! And I love paddleboarding!"
Name: Chrissa
Age: 12
DOB: February
      ~About me~
"I love to do crafts! I can be shy,but I do not like bullies! I love to swim,and I love to be with my friends!" 

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hello! J  It is Emma W!  I am going to be a counselor! J

Here are the ideas for the camp:

Horse Back
Swim Team
Craft Time
Lunch Time in cafeteria

Okay, Mackenzie, should we change the name of the blog to Camp AG?  Or should we keep it like this?

It is your blog and your decision. J

Well, we could also have different pages for each activity.  One Page could be the thing for lunch, like the menu.  And we could each take turns doing the scripts for the things going on at lunch.

Same with the other things.


Thursday, July 21, 2011


Hi!  The first thing we are going to do for a craft is , ummm i don't know?

What do you think?

Summer+Camp=Summer Camp!

Hello!  I have decided something… I know we have probably already talked about this.  I am not sure.  Well, so I have decided that we need helpers/counselors for the camp, so please sign up as a counselor.  Yes, this will take up some time, so make sure your summer schedule isn’t full.

The first day of camp, I don’t know when it should be…  I have to start after Monday.  Maybe Tuesday?  Please say which days you are available next week.

I really want to start the camp.  I have been thinking of fun things we could do over the Internet.  Maybe we could come up with some crafts we could print out?  And we could do them with our dolls?  Or maybe something like that?  Any ideas?

We also need a name for the camp.  Please tell me some ideas.

There are some other details, but we can talk about those later.

Here is what you need to answer in your comment:

Do you want to be a counselor?

When should we start the camp?

What activities could we do in the camp?

Do you have any Camp Name ideas?(Daisy Fields, Camp AG, etc.)

Thank you so much!

Bye, and please comment!


PS:  Mackenzie, please email me about the camp!J  Should we change the name of the school to the name of the camp?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Camp! (By Hannah)

Hi! Hannah here! I’m Raven’s owner. I really want to start the camp, and I would love to be a counselor! J Emma said to post some things in a comment, but I’m just going to do it in my post. I hope that’s okay, Emma?

1. Yes, I really would like to be a counselor. J

2. If it’s a good day for everyone, maybe we could start this Wednesday? So, a week from today. J

3. I have some ideas for the camp! J Maybe we could have horseback riding classes, and swim team? Does anybody have any other ideas? J

4. Hmm, maybe a name for the camp could be Fun for AG Dolls! Or I liked Emma’s Camp AG idea! J

Well, have a good week! Raven is really looking forward to this! She can’t wait to meet her cabin buddies, and new friends! J

With Love,

Hannah W.

Ok we have...

Gwen(Emma's doll)

Raven(Hannah' doll)

Amber(BloggerMMB's doll)

Kit(Mackenzie's doll)

Emily(Mackenzie's doll)

Lilly(Emma's doll)

Kit(Emma's doll)


Okay, I just realized something....

Me and Mackenzie have the same doll!  Kit!:)  How about when you talk about my Kit you say Kit K.

Thank you!  If you have already commented  saying your cabin buddy, please comment on here again.

Thanks so much!


Okay, I just read Mackenzie's new post.  We really need to get the camp started!  I am planning some things we can do in the camp.


Monday, July 18, 2011

So Sorry!

I am so sorry that I haven't been on here in a long time!

I am very behind on camp and stuff,I feel really bad!

I was wondering if it was ok if I can pick out everyone's cabin buddy?

Just comment telliong me if that is ok!:D

THx a ton!


Friday, July 8, 2011

Hello girls!

Hello girls!

How was your 4th of July?

I really want the camp to get started,so can you please comment who you want to be your cabin buddy on the post 2 posts below? Please!!!!!!!! Thank you all very much!

I will post the pics of the fireworks all the campers watched on 4th of July!

See you soon

Blog owner,


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Cabin buddies!

Ok,now aim going list all the members of the camp,and you can comment which you want tobe cabin buddies!

Ok we have...

Gwen(Emma's doll)

Raven(Hannah' doll)

Amber(BloggerMMB's doll)

Kit(Mackenzie's doll)

Emily(Mackenzie's doll)

Now get commenting!


Summer camp begins!

Hello girls! Summer camp has now stated!:D

First at 2:00 pm we will be having a BIG cook out!:D

And there will be deserts while you watch an outside AG movie,with....................Fireworks!

So for today,you can just get ready,and into your cabin!

Ok,now in a next post,I will tell you who will be cabin buddies! So stay around!


New Member!:D

Hello girls!
We have a NEW member!
It is BloggerMMB's doll,Amber!

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome Amber!

Some of you have wondered where my dolls at camp page went,well I forgot to let you know,that right now I am editing it!
So I am very sorry!

I will try to work on it right now!

Thank you alll very much!


Friday, July 1, 2011

PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My mom just left for a very important doctor's appointment,and I would really love it if you could pray that it willl go great for her?

Thank you!

She means everything to me!