Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's Almost Halloween!!!

Can you believe it's almost Halloween? Comment below saying your Halloween costume and your favorite activity to do on Halloween!!! ( If you don't celebrate Halloween, tell your favorite activity to do during Fall!!!)

P.S Do you like my siggy from Priya @ American Girl Playground!!! Visit her blog today!!


  1. My favorite activity to do on Halloween is to go trick-or-treating with my BFF every year on Halloween night. For Halloween, I am a Dead Cheerleader.


  2. I am dressing up as an artist! I love to have candy, but believe it or not, I don't like too much candy.


  3. I LOVE DRESSING UP!:D I can not Belive it is Halloween already!:D

  4. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOVE the post! I loved how u did each word as black the orange!

    I am painting my face and maybe going on a haunted hayride!

    I LOVE getting dressed up!=D

    I also like getting a lot of candy, but i cant eat a ton! My tummy will hurt!! LOL

