Saturday, August 20, 2011

End of Summer Camp 2011! Beginning of Fall Semester 2011!

Hello, Counselors and Campers!  I have had so much fun this summer!  From Crafts to Sports, everything has been very exciting! 

I know, we still have till the end of August, so lets get as much more stuff in as we can!  J 

I did the new design for the school year!  Do you like it? 

Remember, I have a giveaway, but only counselors can enter it! 

Oh, and remember to post a picture of your craft!  I posted my collage, but nobody else has. :(  So remember to do your collage and your sticker craft!  I will post a picture of my sticker craft ASAP!

~Counselor Emma~


  1. Hi Counselor Emma!

    Thank you for participating in Shout-Out Your Doll Site!! I love your site's new design it's so cute!! :)

    Hope you have a great school year!

    Your Friend,

  2. Aw,I am going to miss the Summer camp.:(
