Sunday, August 21, 2011

Teacher Form!

Hello!  Here is the form you need to fill out in your comment if you want to be a teacher:

Name/Nickname:  Emma

Classes you want to teach:  Art and English

Are you Homeschooled or Public schooled?  Homeschooled!

Do you have a lot of free time?  Yes, a lot!


PS:  Please Enter my Giveaway!  It ends August 31st!


  1. Name/Nickname: Margarette
    classes i want 2 teach: Fashion, and music
    R U homeschooled or public schooled? homeschooled.
    do u have a lot of free time? sometimes

  2. your welcome! also i would like to teach reading, s that OK?

  3. Yeah! The more you teach, the better!

  4. Nickname: Sam (Samantha)
    Classes: Dance and Photography
    Schooled: Private School
    Free time?: Pretty much!

  5. Name/Nickname: AGLOVERELIZABETH

    Classes you want to teach: Art and English and computers and maybe music.

    Are you Homeschooled or Public schooled? Privateschooled, but with internet at recess!!

    Do you have a lot of free time? well, like, 3 hours a day!
